Completely extend a seat belt and check a tape on existence of the damaged threads.
Damages can be a consequence, for example, jammings of a belt or influence of a burning cigaret. In this case it is necessary to replace a belt.
In the presence of retyrannies without signs of damage of threads to replace a belt it is not necessary.
The belt having a heavy course, it is necessary to check on twisting. If necessary it is necessary to remove facing on the central rack.
If the machine gun of taking-up does not work, a belt it is necessary to replace (work HUNDRED).
The tape of a belt can be cleared only soap and water. At all it is not necessary to apply for this purpose solvents or chemical cleaners.
Check installation sites of safety cushions on existence of damages.
Surface of a steering wheel and panels under which knots of inflatable safety cushions are located, clean the dry or moistened water a rag.