Greasing of limiters of doors, cylinders of locks, hook of a cowl, movable panel of the hatch of a roof Greasing of a hook of a cowl
Hook of a cowl grease only in the points shown on an accompanying illustration by shooters by AUDI-G 052 778 A2 greasing.
Greasing of the limiter of a door and lock cylinder
The limiter of a door grease only in the points shown on an accompanying illustration by shooters, AUDI-G 052 778 A2 greasing.
Grease the cylinder of the lock of doors and a back cover also with AUDI-G 052 778 A2 greasing. For this purpose grease a key and insert it several times into the lock. Then wipe a key.
Movable panel of a roof: Cleaning and greasing of the directing
1. Open the movable panel and clear become seen the directing.
Paste over with paper the adjacent surfaces having a paint and varnish covering. |
2. Grease directing with special AUDI-G 052 778 A2 greasing.
Do not apply some any other greasing. It can lead to failures in operation of the movable panel. |
If at a rain and car washing in salon via the movable panel water gets, eliminate a leakage on HUNDRED. |
Greasing of loops of a trunk lid, model with identification number to No. 080 000, year of release 2002 For carrying out work aerosol A2 VW/AUDI G 000 115 oil is required.
Open a back door.
Remove covers left/right loops if they are available.
Grease four hinges on each loop in prileganiye points to levers (shooters on an accompanying illustration) with aerosol VW/AUDI oil.
That oil got to the necessary point of greasing, insert a tube entering into a set of an aerosol, into spraying head. Several times stir up to bank for an aerosol. Too strongly to stir up to bank does not follow, since foam that reduces penetration of oil otherwise is formed. |
Clear hinges and a body of surpluses of oil and, if necessary, put on protective caps.